I’m back!

After taking a few years off to try my hand at fiction, the market has told me to go back to the real world. Not that I do particularly well with that either, but it is better. I’ll be posting here more frequently as ideas pop up. Feel free to suggest topics that you’d like to see covered. It’s always fun seeing what folks are thinking about or working on. See you soon!

2 thoughts on “I’m back!”

  1. Hello,
    I discovered this site several weeks ago and I thought it’s a pity, that there are no new posts.
    Can you please post more about the trading, cuisine and the every day life of the kings and the peasants. Preferably all the details that are there, which are little known about.
    Thank you!

    • Thanks for the note! I’m glad you found the site.

      You will be delighted with my first post-return post, as I’ve hit upon a bit of everyday life that we can all relate to.

      I think I’ve got a couple of posts that mention trade, such as the “quern stones” that came from Britain. I’ll look for more on that topic. There are some other posts about food, clothing, medicine, and other topics, so poke around and see what you can find.

      Hit me up with anything else that comes to mind. Enjoy!

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